The most beautiful corners can only be found on foot.
Half a day package
Includes 6 hours of fishing
1 person.....................................160€
2 people....................................250€
3 or more..................................from 350€
In price are included snacks, fruits and beverages plus fishing gear if needed.
If needed, a transport from airport Brnik to fishing spot can be arranged too, but only on fishing day. It costs 50,00-70,00€.
Fishing permits aren’t included. You can buy them online and they cost from 25,00-150,00€.
Some permits cannot be bought online, so I will provide them for you.
Full day package
Includes 10 hours of fishing
1 person.....................................200€
2 people....................................300€
3 or more..................................from 400€
In price are included snacks, fruits and beverages plus fishing gear if needed.
If needed, a transport from airport Brnik to fishing spot can be arranged too. It costs 50,00-70,00€.
Fishing permits aren’t included. You can buy them online and they cost from 25,00-150,00€.
Some permits cannot be bought online, so I will provide them for you.
Multiple day package
Includes 2 days or more, each day 10hours of fishing
1 person.....................................from 370€
2 people....................................from 520€
3 or more..................................from 700€
In price are included snacks, fruits and beverages plus fishing gear if needed.
If needed, a transport from airport Brnik to fishing spot can be arranged too. It costs 50,00-70,00€.
Fishing permits aren’t included. You can buy them online and they cost from 25,00-150,00€.
Some permits cannot be bought online, so I will provide them for you.
Fly tying course
Fly tying is an art and an addiction that gives you the opportunity to create something special, unique, something that only you can see, or just the opportunity to save money by making flies yourself.
Many fly fishermans have a desire to make their own flies, but they are not good at learning through shots or would like to learn from someone who really knows how to do it.
If you have the desire and the will we can help you enter the fly tying world.
I offer you the possibility of a fly tying course as part of a guide or by arrangement at home or in the case of larger groups in this designated space.
Course price: 20€ per hour
In the case of a group, the price per individual is lower.